Like a friend said in the comments, I thought the old header was a bit jarring with its underlining. Instead of fixing it, I just though id make a new one.
Source Picture (from trincomalee, overlooking the ocean from Koneshwaran temple):
some photoshoppery later:
It's interesting that after switching the header to the right, I still kept the headers square or at least rectangular in shape. Dunno how it occurred to me that I could experiment with different shapes and forms and placement of text. This ones a bit safe but I like how it looks. Maybe ill do something more adventurous later on.
I think this header was partially inspired by penny shaped Daguerreotype photographs. I like how it was the style to set portraits in circular frames, I guess this is still seen as a natural fit considering how people vingette studio portraits in an ellipse around a portrait.
I've been watching this great show on BBC called genius of photography, and thats what got me into daguerreotype. I think you should check it out if you're even partially interested in photography, the production quality is fantastic.
I'm completely overwhelmed by finals right now. At least the weather is wonderful. No, seriously though, I love snowy weather as opposed to shitty rain all the time.