Portrait of the week

I rarely shoot portraits, or not as often as other stuff. It's not that I dont like to take pictures of people, its mainly because I'm not completely comfortable in asking people to pose for photographs. My favorite portraits are of people who are comfortable smiling into a camera, and candid shots. Candid photos are ideal but it's very hard to get a good candid shot, especially with a big SLR.
An important part of taking a good portrait is the photographer being forward/friendly enough to make the subject comfortable in front of the camera. So i plan to post a portrait once every week here.
I mean that's the point of this whole blog really, to find a reason/purpose to shoot more and motivate myself to go out.

This first portrait was too easy; both Jon and Laura are very cool kids and are wonderfully easy to shoot at/with. This was taken in the basement of a school building which is being renovated. More from that coming soon.

jon and laura

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