
I kept walking past this pizza joint called "Pizza Killer", I really wished I stopped and took a picture. Cant think in the cold sometimes. 


My hotel was by the Vistula which runs through warsaw as well. 



I was really upset because the first roll of film from my trip ripped itself off the canister when I advanced the last picture on the roll. I think the issue may have partly been my fault, but its easier to fault the CVS brand film. So I dont have as many pictures of Plock.

The spots on the pictures, however, are all CVS.

I dont know what to say about Plock, it's Europe like I've never seen before but certain parts of it had a really quintessential (to what I identify as) feel of Europe.
There is also a certain air, or feeling of left over soviet-ness (again, subjective feels). The architecture, massive blocky apartment buildings, and I'm sure this has a lot to do with the winter gloom as well. There is a general feeling of Poland trying to escape from under the shadow of an austere socialist past towards something more western european.

My capacity to handle foreign situations has seriously suffered by being geographically stagnant in the last few years (something I've sacrificed for stability), and towards the end of the trip I was really starting to get into the vibe of things, and then it was time to go home again. I miss Poland sometimes and wish I did more while I was out here.



While in Poland I was working in a Plock. A kind of industrial city with days of questionable air quality and small historical downtown. A couple of phone snaps from a walk around in the evening.

Harlem, Christmas 2012.

I just got back from a two week work trip to Poland (right?!). 
Film developed, scanned and CVS cursed for not cleaning the film correctly after developing, leaving splotch marks all over the effing negative.