Downtown Pittsburgh.
Mellon Park, Pittsburgh
Polish Hill/North Oakland, Pittsburgh.
Strip district. Pittsburgh.
Another church. Less about the architecture, more about that morning light. View big, I think I nailed the metering on this one. Strip District. Pittsburgh.
I try to refrain from posting self portraits; it's an ugly trend with tweens on flickr, but this is interesting for more reasons than my mug. Downtown Pittsburgh.
This picture was taken at f/2.8 accidentally because I forgot to change it back from another shot. Look at how soft this picture is. It really bothers me. Medium format kicks your ass. Strip district, Pittsburgh
It really is time that I finished uploading all of the medium format stuff from this summer.
This was the last shot from a roll, an interesting looking church in East Liberty. I've been a bit lazy and havent cleaned up theses scans like I usually do.
People do some really interesting stuff with churches and I always think of Valentine Gunesekeras Jesuit chapel in Bamba. I really want to see that place.